

SourceIT – increasing the reuse and recycling of materials with mapping software

SourceIT is a CHEST Call 3 winning project from Macroom E (a Cork County Council initiative), which aims to build a mapping tool to support enterprises, whether new or existing, both social and commercial, and which have a specific focus on the reuse and recycling of materials, in locating unwanted resources/waste materials which are essential to the existence of such enterprises. This digital social innovation will make an impact in the area of sustainability and would enable more efficient, co-ordinated and environmentally friendly transport systems for such resources/waste materials by allowing existing and new enterprises to track volumes and quantities by location.

The project team have been carrying out technical development for the project, with the software specification created, tendered and software developers Aonach Internet Strategy secured. The software has progressed very well and is currently being developed and tested with support from an Advisory Group that includes representation from Local Authorities, Social Enterprises and Digital Strategists. An evaluation has been undertaken with Boomerang Enterprises to identify any issues, suggestions and corrections to the software itself. You can click on the images below to see larger images of the software wireframes.

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In addition to the technical development, the SourceIT project team have created a Marketing and Communications work plan to ensure that there is a strategic roll out of all PR associated with the project. Branding (including a logo), social media pages (Facebook, Twitter), a website and other promotional materials such as a press release and newsletter are all underway and near completion.

SourceIT’s participation on the CHEST Forum is underway and will be built upon as the project continues to grow. You can contribute to their discussion area here:

The sustainability of the software post-project is also being pro-actively investigated, with a view to SourceIT having applicability across many waste streams – not just mattresses. Preparation for a national launch of SourceIT is also ongoing, with speakers for the event currently being researched/reviewed.

To find out more about SourceIT, you can view their website, or follow them on Twitter (@sourceITproject) and Facebook (sourceitproject).
